Get Your Feet Ready for Beach Season

The sand and sea tend to deteriorate pedicures more quickly than just about anything else. That’s why you need an easy-to-achieve, quick, and simple pedicure that can be done (and redone) in about 10 minutes flat. It’s easy to master and will keep your feet looking groomed all season long.

What you need:

  • A bowl of hot, soapy water
  • Toe spacers to separate toes
  • Toenail clippers
  • Base coat
  • Sheer, pinky-peach nail polish
  • Top coat

The steps:

  1. Begin by soaking your feet in the soapy water to soften your skin. Then, push back your cuticles and file away any hard calluses under your toes or around your heels.
  2. Trim and file your toenails so that the ends of your nails are slightly shorter than the end of the skin on your toes.
  3. Swipe your toenails twice with nail polish remover. Use a nonacetone product, if possible, since it’s less drying. Then, separate your toes with toes spacers and apply a base coat and one coat of pale pink or beige nail varnish. You’ll hardly be able to see any chips if you find a nice neutral shade.
  4. Wait about a minute, apply a light layer of top coat, and voilà — you’re finished!
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